Lexi Berko is a clinical herbalist, farmer, (and dare she say) artist who lives in the Hudson Valley in Hyde Park, NY.
Lexi recently graduated from Arbor Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism in New Paltz, NY. Prior to the (long overdue) leap into studying herbalism, she studied to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner where she learned how to support folks through holistic nutrition to further support our innate and bioindividual body wisdom.
Before diving into the world of nutrition and herbalism (which aptly occurred during the pandemic), she was unknowingly gleaning much of the same knowledge through practical work in agriculture throughout the Northeast since 2012.
In 2017, Lexi founded Wild Lea Farm with her partner Justin, where they raised grass fed, pasture raised, sheep and goats for meat, fiber and hides. Over the years the farm relocated to the woods of Hyde Park, NY where they now raise Romney sheep & a rabbitry for meat, hides and fiber as well as quail and geese. In coming years, the dream is to have a forest farm growing woodland medicinal herbs.
When not working on a local organic farm, she can be found playing in the garden, tending to the beasts of Wild Lea, crafting with fiber, illustrating or admiring the woods and all its inhabitants.